
7 Tips for Whitening Your Teeth Naturally

By liliaturcin5

Are your teeth lacking in shine and would you like to restore their whiteness? Lemon, baking soda and clay will be your new friends. Bright smile guaranteed!

There are several possible causes of yellow teeth. In some cases, the yellowish tint is programmed well before birth. It is written into the person’s genetic heritage. This determines the color of the teeth and its evolution over age, as well as the thickness and transparency of the enamel. The thinner the enamel is and the less opaque it is, the more the dentin, located just below, becomes apparent. But dentin is yellow!

In other cases, the yellowish tint of the teeth is acquired with poor eating and lifestyle habits (excess of tea, coffee, tobacco, high consumption of citrus fruits which attack dental enamel, dental brushing infrequent or unsuitable…).

Other people will have yellow teeth following certain illnesses, or because of taking certain treatments such as tetracycline during childhood.


Baking soda is a natural descaler known for its abrasive properties. Once a week, replace your toothpaste with a little baking soda and brush your teeth as usual. Be careful, repeating this old grandmother’s technique too often tends to damage the enamel.


How to use lemon?

Gently brush your teeth with a little freshly squeezed lemon juice then rinse thoroughly. Warning: only repeat the operation once a week at most, because while the acidity of lemon helps eliminate tartar and dental plaque, it can also damage tooth enamel. Likewise, avoid consuming acidic foods like coffee, soda, or products containing refined sugar or aspartame, for example.


Green clay is a 100% natural product which is mainly used as a mask on the skin. It also has a real whitening action on teeth.

Mix it with water to make a paste then use it like toothpaste.


A natural antibacterial, coconut oil is all the rage when it comes to dental hygiene. Oil pulling, in particular, including oil mouthwashes, helps improve oral hygiene and brighten teeth.


Vegetable charcoal is obtained through the carbonization of several varieties of wood. It has been used for thousands of years to whiten teeth, as in India, and is not dangerous for health.

How to do ? Add a little powdered charcoal to your toothpaste. You can also soak a cotton swab in water and pour a little powdered charcoal on it. Then rub your teeth and focus on any stains. Then rinse.


Sea salt is also a good way to protect your teeth from plaque, which gives that “yellow teeth” effect. You can mix it with your toothpaste when brushing. Use in moderation, because its abrasive effect can quickly damage teeth!


Known for its antibacterial properties, tea tree essential oil is an ideal oral care product. It helps eliminate dental plaque which forms after each meal and which is responsible for the yellow color of your teeth as well as bad odors from the mouth.

You can use it:

As a mouthwash: pour a few drops of this essential oil into half a glass of water and rinse your mouth.

Apply it directly to your canker sores using a cotton swab at a rate of one drop per day until it disappears.

Place a drop of tea tree essential oil on your toothpaste and gently brush your teeth. Use this application once a week to avoid damaging the enamel.