
All it takes is 3 tablespoons and the zamioculcas will produce LOTS of new leaves!

By liliaturcin5

Zamioculcas is a low-maintenance plant known for its beautiful, decorative foliage.

However, to keep it thriving, adequate treatment is necessary.

Find out what she needs and what mistakes to avoid in her cultivation.

What to do when Zamioculcas turns yellow and how to stimulate the growth of new leaves? Find out on Deccoria.

Errors in cultivation

Zamioculcas is a perennial that has gained popularity as an ornamental plant.

It became prominent in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

This tropical plant can reach a height of up to 1 meter.

It has thick, shiny, dark green leaves that can grow up to 10cm long, with fleshy stems that taper towards the top.

Zamioculcas does not require much care and is quite resistant.

However, it is important to remember some rules and find out what mistakes to avoid when caring for it.

What is more important?

Watering this ornamental plant does not need to be frequent.

It stores water in its leaves and can survive for 2-3 months without watering.

However, a good drainage system is essential.

For this reason, it is recommended to place gravel at the bottom of the pot.

Zamioculcas does not tolerate drafts or sudden changes in temperature.

It is best to buy it in the warmer months to prevent the leaves from falling due to contact with the cold.

It should not be placed in places with too much sunlight.

Prefers shade or partial shade.

It can safely sit in the back of a room and, due to its low light requirement, is also suitable for rooms such as the bathroom, for example.

However, if you want the plant to grow lushly, it must also receive natural sunlight, as the lack of it can slow its growth.

The leaves of the plant orient themselves towards the light, so rotating the pot from time to time is a good idea.

Older plants should be repotted every 2-3 years and younger plants can be moved into slightly larger pots each year.

The pot for Zamioculcas must have large drainage holes.

Use a permeable and fertile substrate, such as palm soil.

Most common mistakes in cultivation:

Choose a vase that is too large and deep. Omit the drainage layer. Use a pot without drainage holes. Insufficient fertilization. What’s not to like about Zamioculcas?

First, remember that Zamioculcas is an indoor plant, so it is not suitable for the garden.

It should not be placed on a balcony or terrace, as it is not cold hardy and may die quickly after being exposed to frost.

Temperatures below 5 °C can damage the plant.

Zamioculcas also prefers a drier substrate rather than being over-watered.

When the plant is dry, this is immediately visible as its leaves begin to wilt.

However, if you water them, they regain their beautiful appearance.

Excess water in irrigation can cause rotting of the plant.

This process is irreversible, so it is best to remember about the drainage layer and use a pot with holes in the bottom so that excess water can drain if necessary.

Why doesn’t Zamioculcas produce new leaves?

Inadequate care can affect the appearance of the plant.

If the Zamioculcas has wilted leaves, rot or wilting, it means that something was done wrong.

It is also concerning to see slowing growth or yellowing of the leaves.

The reason for yellowing and stalling may be overwatering.

It is best to remember that it is preferable to water the plant when the substrate is slightly dry.

Also avoid spraying water on the leaves to avoid unsightly stains.

If you have watered the Zamioculcas too much, it is best to repot it into fresh new substrate.

The lack of new leaves can be caused by:

Inadequate season. Inadequate soil pH. Lack of light. Vase too small. Insufficient watering. The use of a nutritious fertilizer should help improve the condition of the plant and stimulate the production of new leaves.

Lentil fertilizer

Lentils are legumes considered a complete source of protein.

They also contain many vitamins and minerals, so they are an important component in the diet, not only for vegans and vegetarians.

Surprisingly, lentils can also be used to make an effective fertilizer for Zamioculcas.

A homemade lentil fertilizer will stimulate intense growth of the plant.

Another advantage of its use is better protection of the plant against diseases.

Procedure for preparing lentil fertilizer

It is not difficult at all and the fertilizer is prepared quickly.

Boil a liter of water and let it cool.

When the water reaches room temperature, add 3 tablespoons of lentils.

Leave them to soak and, after 4 hours, filter the liquid to separate it from the lentils.

Use this infusion for watering, and you can repeat fertilization once a month.

The Zamioculcas plant does not have great nutritional needs, but by fertilizing it regularly, it will grow better and acquire a beautiful dark green color.

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