
Get rid of germs and infections with this natural antibiotic

By Lilia

The remedy, which we will discuss in detail below, has been used in the past. 

Its basic formula originates from Europe and is used to treat all kinds of diseases, epidemics and pandemics.

This natural antibiotic works to cleanse the entire body. 

It is considered a basic formula for killing bacteria of all kinds.

Its advantages:

It is an antiviral agent: it eliminates viruses that cause many diseases.

Antifungal effect: Effectively prevents and kills fungi.

Promotes blood circulation: improves lymphatic drainage of all parts of the body.

Because it is a natural antibiotic , it has excellent results in the treatment of candida.

It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic: it kills various types of pathogenic bacteria.

Helps eliminate intestinal parasites.

Stimulates the elimination of toxins: cleans the blood.

Strengthens the immune system.

Natural Antibiotic Recipe

Each of the ingredients in this recipe provides a unique benefit, making this remedy the most powerful of all natural remedies.

Garlic : Unlike chemical antibiotics, garlic is a natural antibiotic that does not eliminate bacteria the body needs (such as those found in the digestive system). 

It is also antifungal and eliminates microorganisms that cause disease.

Onion: It has properties similar to garlic, although it is less aggressive against microorganisms.

Horseradish: This is an herb used to treat lung diseases and those affecting the sinuses.

Ginger: Used as an anti-inflammatory to stimulate blood circulation.

Chili: On the one hand, it has antibiotic properties, on the other hand, it promotes the blood circulation of the whole body.

Turmeric: Reduces inflammation in the body and cleanses it of infections. It is effective in eliminating cancer cells and relieving joint pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar: History has it that Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used only two medicines: apple cider vinegar and honey vinegar. Around 400 BC they already knew about the benefits of this food. 

It contains fiber called pectin, which lowers cholesterol and regulates blood pressure. It also helps control hunger and anxiety.

When you consume food with apple cider vinegar, the latter extracts calcium from what you consume and promotes its absorption by the body. 

That is, it helps the health and strength of our bones.

It is rich in potassium and beta-carotene. Prevents the action of free radicals and makes your skin healthy and smooth.

Contains malic acid, which fights fungal and bacterial infections. It even removes uric acid deposits found in the joints.

Use apple cider vinegar to treat: headaches, constipation, arthritis, indigestion, diarrhea, chronic fatigue, and more.

Before preparing this potion, we advise you to wear gloves.


700 ml apple cider vinegar.

¼ cup finely chopped onion.

¼ cup finely chopped garlic.

¼ cup fresh ginger (grated)

2 hot peppers or chilies.

2 tablespoons of grated horseradish.

2 tablespoons of turmeric powder (or 2 turmeric roots).


Place all ingredients in a bowl except apple cider vinegar. Mix well.

Then transfer the medicine into an airtight bottle. Note that the dry ingredients should fill 2/3 of the bottle.

Pour the vinegar until the bottle is full, i.e. The 1/3 that remained free is now filled with apple cider vinegar.

Close the container tightly and shake vigorously.

Store the bottle in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight for two weeks. The bottle should be shaken several times each day.

Strain the preparation after 14 days. (The solid waste can be dried and used for cooking).

Keep the liquid in the container, your antibiotic is ready! It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, as it is stored for a long time and does not spoil.


As a first step, you should know that the taste is very strong and spicy. 

If you are not used to spicy foods, you should start with a small dose. 

Eat a slice of orange or lime after using this medicine to reduce the burning sensation.

Take a spoonful of this remedy every day to boost your immune system. 

You should gargle in your mouth and then swallow. Do not dilute it in water as it will lose its effect.

Gradually increase the amount of the dose until you are drinking a small glass a day. The recommended size is a glass of alcohol.

For the treatment of chronic diseases, take 5 tablespoons per day.


Never use this product on an empty stomach. 

If you feel nauseous while taking this medicine, try reducing the dose the next day and then increasing it over time.

See also: Apple cider vinegar clears sinuses