Healthy and thriving mother-in-law’s tongue, the ingredient that will make it flourish endlessly
Mother-in-law’s tongue is one of the simplest and most beautiful plants in the world, those who love it are those who have green fingers and all those who would like to see plants grow and multiply at home, but despite all their efforts they cannot.

The plant in question can be reproduced at home or in the garden using fairly simple methods that do not require a green thumb.
All you need is a passion for plants, a little time and some free space and you’re good to go.
The origins of mother-in-law language
Mother-in-law’s tongue comes from the rainforests of Central America, grows on the bark of all tropical trees, has wavy edges with thin spines that take root when they fall.
Mother-in-law’s tongue is not found in florists or ordinary seedling shops; it must be purchased in nurseries specializing in succulents. Alternatively, you can buy similar species and be satisfied.
In any case, before buying mother-in-law’s tongue , you must check that there are no scale insects and that the stems do not have black or dry parts that may indicate rotten roots or attacks by fungi and parasites.
If the plant does not look in excellent health, it is better to avoid spending money on it, because it is not already old, but it will hardly give satisfaction, so it will never bloom. Mother-in-law’s tongue can be grown and cultivated both in the open ground and in the garden or in a pot, because it grows well almost everywhere.
Mother-in-law language culture tips
Mother-in-law’s tongue grows well in warm regions, especially in southern Italy, the Tyrrhenian regions and on islands.
Obviously, like any other plant, it must be sheltered from the wind, it is preferable that it is exposed to the sun when it is not too hot. Therefore, it is recommended to leave it inside the house from October to March, when temperatures are not only the highest.
And then put it outside between April and October. If you want to grow it in a pot, we recommend keeping it hanging so that the stems can fall freely and grow peacefully, taking up all the space they need.
As for the soil, it is better to choose the lightest one. The plant needs sun 4-5 hours a day and no more, so it can be placed indoors. It should not remain exposed to excessive heat for too long, but it obviously needs light at all times.
Then spaced but abundant waterings are essential. The key to success is not to exaggerate either in quantity or in number of waterings . Every 15 days, the plant must be fertilized with the appropriate product.
DIY Method, the mysterious ingredient that works miracles
If you want to do it yourself so that the mother-in-law’s tongue can flourish even outside the flowering period, you can use a special ingredient that we all have at home, or rather in the kitchen.
This is cinnamon that not only manages to beautify sweets by making them taste better than normal, but also has incredible properties that allow it to also be used on plants to make them beautiful.

Cinnamon is indicated to fight fungal infections or against the formation of rust. It has incredible disinfectant properties that no one would ever believe. To have proof of this, just sprinkle a spoonful of cinnamon on the ground and wait a few weeks.
The results after this treatment are excellent: just one spoonful allows the plant to flourish in all seasons and at the same time prevents the arrival of dangerous animals such as rodents, mosquitoes or ants, which can compromise its health.
Cinnamon for plant reproduction by cuttings
Finally, the ingredient that is no longer a secret can also be used as a leavening agent. In this case too, a spoonful of cinnamon is enough to stimulate the development of the roots of the seedling.

These can then be used to propagate the plant and give life to more plants to place on the balcony or windowsill. This propagation is a propagation by cuttings. Simply dip the ends of the plant in a spoonful of moistened cinnamon and then insert them directly into the vase and that’s it.