
Easy homemade aluminum shine, give shine to your kitchen

By Lesia

With simple ingredients you probably already have at home, you can revitalize your kitchen utensils and leave them shining like new.

Join us to discover this homemade trick that will transform your kitchen.


  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp of neutral detergent
  • c/n warm water


Preparation of the mixture:

  • In a container, combine the baking soda, white vinegar, lemon juice and neutral detergent.
  • Add warm water gradually and mix well until you get a thick and uniform paste.

Application of the compound:

  • Using a sponge or soft cloth, spread the aluminum polishing paste over the surface of the aluminum utensil you want to clean. Rub gently in circular motions, paying attention to the dirtiest or most stained areas.
  • Let the paste sit for a few minutes for the ingredients to take effect.

Rinse and dry:

  • Once the paste has taken effect, rinse the utensil thoroughly under running water to completely remove the product.
  • Dry the utensil with a clean, dry cloth or let it air dry naturally.


  • Store homemade aluminum polishing paste in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place, protected from direct sunlight.

Additional Tips:

In addition to using homemade aluminum polish to clean your aluminum utensils, you can also complement this experience with other products and special care. Here are two additional suggestions:

  1. Deep Clean with White Vinegar: Before applying homemade aluminum polish, consider deep cleaning with white vinegar. Soak the aluminum utensil in a 1:1 water and vinegar solution for a few minutes, then rinse and apply the homemade aluminum polish as directed.
  2. Polishing with Vegetable Oil: After cleaning with homemade aluminum polish, you can finish by polishing your utensils with a little vegetable oil. Apply a small amount of oil to a soft cloth and gently rub it over the aluminum surface to add even more shine and protection.